Our Mission

The stated mission of the Huntsville Literary Association is “to promote and encourage the understanding, appreciation, and study of all forms of literature; to publish a literary magazine; and to sponsor activities that further these purposes. HLA publishes the literary magazine POEM twice a year. The Young Writers Contest is a major activity that encourages students to write poems and short stories and offers students public recognition, publication, and cash rewards.”

This mission is carried out under the guidance of volunteer officers and board members, who are elected at the Annual Meeting. Funding for programs comes largely from annual membership dues and grants. Officers and Board members are listed below.

Officers and Board Members 2022-2023

President Pamela Briggs
1st Vice President for Programs Rebecca Harbor Jones
2nd Vice President for Membership Peggy Brosious East
Treasurer Peggy Brosious East
Recording Secretary Judith Hayes
Corresponding Secretary Beth Thames
Advisory Board
Sarah Belanger
Chris Ferguson
Bob Fletcher
Linda Fletcher
Courtney Hill Gulbro
Kelly Hughes
Judy Link
Rosemary R McMahan
Rose Norman
Jane Patten
Margie Pfalzer
Mary Lee Prout
Carol Roach
Monita Soni
Cheryl Stewart
Leslie Thomas
Margaret J Vann
Debbie D West
Marcie H Wingo
Eloise Alexander Winkler
Executive Board
Pamela Briggs
Amina Divoll
Abby Dunham
Peggy Brosious East
Judith Hayes
Ramona Hyman
Rebecca Harbor Jones
Anna Lee
Kate Leonard
Ann Marie Martin
Judi C Moon
Harry Moore
Jeffrey Nelson
James M Robinson
Liz Stagg
Jessica Temple
Beth Thames
Melissa Ford Thornton
Barbara Tran