
Q:  What do literary giants such as Eudora Welty, Truman Capote, John Barth, John Grisham, Lee Smith, Kay Gibbons, Clyde Edgerton, Andrew Lytle, and Harry Crews have in common?

A:  All have been guest speakers in Huntsville, Alabama, thanks to HLA sponsorship.

Every year HLA brings writers from the region or the nation to discuss their works. Will this year’s speaker be next year’s blockbuster author?

HLA’s programs are diverse and target all ages. We sponsor speakers, discussion groups, contests, and theatrical productions.  Many events are open to the public; some are for members only. Some are free; others require ticket purchase. Members always receive a discount.

Funding for HLA Programs

Most of HLA’s programs are funded directly out of the dues and donations of our members. These include, for example, the publication of POEM, the cash awards for winners of the Young Writers contest, and compensation for visiting authors and salon presenters.

However, presentation of the Shakespeare performances is a much more expensive undertaking, which we partially offset with very nominal ticket charges. Even so, in order to continue with these presentations, we are heavily dependent on grants from various agencies, such as the Lowe Grant Foundation, the UAHuntsville Humanities Program, and most importantly the Alabama State Council for the Arts (ASCA).